Tuesday, August 30, 2011

33 weeks 6 days

Today was another growth measurement. Those are scheduled every 3 weeks. Lucy measured 6 weeks behind on her Abdomen and 3 weeks behind on her limbs. Her head was on schedule and blood flow to the baby looked good. My Perinatologist told me that he is scratching his head on this one because this type of situation doesn't typically happen. When I was 25 weeks blood flow was horrible and stayed looking pretty horrible for a while. Well, it has changed and the blood flow is now really good. Usually it's the other way around because the bigger the baby gets the more the placenta starts to fail. In this case it hasn't and has improved. My Perinatologist told me he thought I would've had the baby already because of how bad things were going earlier on. This is a situation that has changed dramatically, and for the better. As long as she is still gaining some weight that is good. She now weighs 2 lbs 14 ounces, 3 weeks ago she weighted 2 lbs 5 ounces. So, she has gained 3 ounces a weeks since then. A baby that doesn't have growth restriction is supposed to gain an ounce a day. She is very small, but she has gained some weight and that is good. My fluid levels have increased and I have plenty of fluid. I guess resting most of the time has helped her. And I believe all the prayers,fasting, priesthood blessing, and along with others that have put my name in the temple really has helped. I have my next appointment Thursday with My OB. I now have 3 appointments a week to make sure everything is ok. I have no idea when she will be born. The longer she is in the better though, my doctors really can't say how long she will go. They just want me to go as long as possible since she is so small. As for now baby can bake longer and that makes me happy :). Thank you all for the continued love and support.


  1. Im so happy to hear this :) I'm here for you if you need anything at all :) I've told ya that already but just though I'd remind you! Stay strong!

  2. Glad to hear this update! You will continue to be in our prayers!
