Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Facebook= TMI

I have come to the conclusion that I have a love/hate relationship with facebook. I have seen the best and the worst in people on there. I love seeing the happy moments where friends are having babies, getting married, etc... but too much lately have I seen friends lose their way. And when I say lose their way I mean it's completely falling. I am not a perfect person let me clarify that, but I think I try to be a good person. Some of my friends are casual some are really good friends. They are losing all those great qualities that made me become their friend in the first place. I feel at a cross roads when it comes to friendships. I have moved on from most of my friends in high school and have banded together with my family. Family is the most important thing in life and I love my husband and baby. I have seen people fall away from the lds church and try to give excuses left and right for the reason they are the way they are. These are the reasons why I am at a cross roads. Dawson is my son and I want him to see good influences in his life. I have had wonderful influences in my life and so has Lucas. If it wasn't for those influences life could be a lot different. I want my son to start out right in his life. Now does that mean I completely ignore those people in my life. No I won't I will still love them and talk to them when they need to. Until the day they can be a better influence on my son I will not associate with them as much as I have in the past. It just saddens me to see those that are awesome wonderful people choose to walk away from what is most important. I used to be the girl that would not be afraid to voice my opinion to my friends. It sometimes was good sometimes bad. I had an experience that made me not want to ever have conflict arise again in a friendship. I didn't want to face conflict again and wanted to just stand to the side. I so much did this that I chose not to say anything. That again was not such a good idea and regret not voicing how I truly felt. I think I realized that you should say what you feel but just try to be as tactful as possible. Let them know you love them and you will always be there for them but you don't agree with what they are doing. Now, does that mean voice your opinion with them every chance you get? No, do it when they ask your opinion or if the timing is right. Timing is the key because you could bring it up at a horrible time. Now if you do all of this right and they choose to be mad that will be their own problem. If they listen and appreciate what you say then that is great. Sometimes saying something is what people want you to do. Sometimes people cry out for guidance you need to give them it if this is the case. But other times people may not want to listen and that is fine. I think I learned a lot while teaching, I learned a lot about what to do when conflicts arise. It has helped me learn how to handle situations when they occur and how to react. But, here I am at a crossroads... do you let go or hold on to these friends? Sometimes we have to let go of these people and sometimes we can help change a course that we didn't know could be changed.


  1. I have only had facebook for a few months and i was in shock to see this in a lot of my friends that i have lost contact with over the years. It is really sad to see those who were an example to me at one point, choosing the path they have chosen. I think one of the most important things we can do for them is be there even from a distance if necessary, so we can be an example they need.

  2. You are so right Tessa, that is how I feel too. I just don't want to hurt anyone in the process. I hope I don't but I will still be there, just not how I have been in the past.
